Wednesday, July 3, 2019

fuckin bucket list

yes, life has turned into a series of cliches.
i thought i was better than that. i guess i am not, and it's about time to eat humble pie.
karma is real? karma is reeling me in.
i guess no one is spared.
so yes, a bucket list. (because why reinvent the..bucket?)

- go on a (real) hike, which entails needing (real) hiking boots
- go someplace cold, fuckin cold. just cos i hate the cold and it would make me feel (very uncomfortable) and alive
- try surfing again, for the third time (second time was void, considering i was weak AF)
- live abroad (for maybe a month). doesn't really count, but let's do that for a start.
- camp in the outdoors
- skydive (maybe)

not a crazy-yolo kinda list but it will do.

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