Wednesday, April 1, 2015

guises these days

these days, i have a lot of time to internalise and externalise. considering the sloth that i am, it's an even greater luxury.

two things. a phoney lil ruse that masquerades as a glorifying, socially-rooted, oh-let's-celebrate-the-everyday-man campaign, and the ongoing, and as yet, turning-stale debate about LKY.

first the ruse. i knew something was askew, awfully mistreated and misused, but i couldn't quite articulate or pinpoint till a friend helped me out. basically a fashion campaign that purports the everyday heroes amongst us. sure, that is well and good, celebrate the man, glorify his achievements, make him look good and bam. thing is, if you really wanted to celebrate someone, you celebrate them as they are, in their own skin, or in skins that are true to their nature. dolling these men up in threads you deem are nice, or looks you concoct in your own subjective good taste does nothing to glorify him, much less celebrate his vocation or empathise with his needs and daily life. trying to fit a square into a circle just doesn't work. and sure, the man might think – great, i look so good, you are awesome and with this, i shall seek you from now on. it's a crutch to him, it's wholly incongrous to his background, sensibilities, habits and life. it's your singular imposition. next, how is that man a hero? reading about him in your post hints at nothing of how a hero is/should be. if anything, he is devoid of any kind of substantial thought, and worse still, thinks he's all that. how these adds up to the idea you're slinging around, i do not know.

next LKY. just feeling really irked that the people who are dissatisfied, who have nary a good thing to say and pile on the sarcasms, cynicisms and all the variants of these negative sentiments are people from the creative scene – theatre, literary arts, visual arts.. what have you. the fact of the matter is, you can't have everything, you just fucking can't. then if you say, i want these things, i don't want everything, then you can simply go and find these things elsewhere. the irony is. the people who want those things have other good things that they leverage on to be where they are at today. yet they fixate on certain issues that are important to them, and them only. richer countries have equal education rights and economic success and meritocracy, perhaps at the expanse of some degree of representation, or freedom of expression. and that is just a fact. where does utopia exist? improving the situation is one thing, but bitter insults and elaborate displays of literary prowess is something else. are you really doing anything? are you contributing to a larger framework in any way?

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